Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Post or Why Am I Still Here?

In response to a question posed by a stressed out and angry student on why is that we were born in present Iran, The teacher said: “We are now burning bad karma worth of 100 years merely by living in present day Iran!” Its funny and we can be rest assured of burning even more of that karma luggage in vey near future.

For the most part of my life I was very anxious to leave, I am still but for the past year my attention has shifted to some more serious concepts and I have come to realize that life and all its misery (and its joy) is the same everywhere i.e. same restrictions, same obligations. There is no Utopia as a friend said the other day. There are better places to live and there are worse. There are better places than present day Tehran but there are even worse too. It is a complicated and making a decision is hard. I feel stronger that I used to be, able to “leave it all” at this stage of my life but still it is a very hard journey and even harder to stay sane and serene in this particular part of the world. With some significant changes in my life- spiritually concerned- I am feeling more and more obliged to write it all down for future record and also hoping it will also be a decent reading material for friends and whoever that passes by this page.

See you all soon here!

P.S. I have a blog here going on for some years now. I will try to keep that one going too but for the time being I'll just concentrate on this page.


  1. It's been quite a while I've come to understand that the most challenging parts of my life are the best and the most joyful ones at the same time. So I'd embrace the trouble of living in a country both as familiar and as troublesome as Iran (even if it sounds crazy to most people out there ha ha).
    By the way, loved your post! Looking forward to see the rest!
