Tuesday, March 11, 2014

On Feminism…finally

I have spent the past year reading every book and article I could get my hands on, on feminism, women’s rights, its history, achievements, downfalls and whatnot. What this has brought me, more than a master’s degree, is a deep insight on what has made us women, women. And what continues to shape us and what keeps us from fulfilling our identities. I spontaneously used “we” and “us” instead of “I” and “me”, as what I believe is that everyone is into this and everyone, one way or another has an obligation to be more aware, more alert and more conscious towards actions, remarks, comments (or the lack) that in a way degrade women. I believe awareness towards this can make the world a better place. Everyone is entitled to try and make the world a better place, for men, women and children even with the least bit of effort. I do not want to act boastful or critical of other’s opinion but my point is it is irresponsible of women to shush and laugh through sexist comments even in a vain place as Facebook is, just to seem “cool”. What is wrong with being “cool”? Everything! It is the new form of shutting up and cheering the abusers. “Abuser” is a big world, I know, the better suiting term would be “Ignorant”. Try at least to be a bit more aware and if you are share it with others.